What began as a dreary wet Saturday slowly became an almost
perfect day for Year 24 of Hot Nite in the City Show-n-Shine 2018. We’d had extremely hot record breaking weather
all week but this day was cooler and although the rain wasn’t invited to this
event, it did make an early morning appearance.
It did stay away for most of the day so didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of the
Cadillac Roaster |
There were thousands of people enjoying the old and the new
cars on display. Many Kamloops
participants proudly showing their vintage cars as well as several from out of
town filled the downtown streets for us to see.
This one came from Calgary.
Master Sedan |
This event begins on Friday evening with a Poker Run. Saturday morning is early set up, some arrive
as early as 5am in order to get the spot they wish to be in, or when in groups
as there are no reservations made. First
come…… or early bird…….! OK, you know
what I mean. lol
Ford Coupe |
There seemed to be a rainbow of new colors this year. I do appreciate the vintage and the work that
goes into these vehicles, let alone the money but the color sure can catch the
attention! This lemon yellow paint job
was amazing!
Studebaker |
This one is for Brian who has been a lifelong Studebaker
owner and fan and involved in many car shows.
Woody |
The one is for Jim who enjoyed his Woody and proudly showed
it all over the country, too.
Ford A |
This was classed as Special Event and not being familiar with
how these decisions are made, I don’t know why.
I found this to be an interesting car with the wood panelling, inside
and out. If cars can be considered ‘cute’
then this is a cute one!
1958 Triumph |
Although there were not many to see, this motorcycle
definitely caught our attention. It
may be similar to the one my Dad rode during WW2 in England.
Kamloops Mounted Patrol |
Rick Wanless, the founder and director of the Kamloops
Mounted Patrol established this great idea as Ambassadors in 1992 and has been
seen at so many public events over these years.
The Patrol is still going strong and enjoyed by all. To learn more about them,
click here.
Inflated Fun |
The crowd and the fun was spread all the way down and filled
up Riverside Park. It was full of
entertainment for the young and young at heart and all those in between. The combination of all the events is a
wonderful reflection on the incredible volunteers of Kamloops who make these
things happen and be such a success.
Fun in Riverside Park |
The waterpark is always a great draw on these summer days
and then to see these real ‘Cat’ products there for the kids to climb all over
must have been a great thrill for the kids to see up close.
Music |
Music was set up in several locations. Victoria Street had a bandstand with good music
and Riverside Park had a band onstage at the Rotary Bandshell. This is also the stage for the nightly shows
of Music in the Park from July 1 to August 31.
Entertainment was scattered about.
Dragon Boat Races |
There were Dragon boat races held on the river at Riverside
Park which drew dozens of participants and great crowds to watch. The Kamloops Dragon Boat Club holds this
Festival annually and has become a big draw to this festive weekend. For info on the winning boats,
click here.
Ribfest |
Ribfest has been a very popular addition to these summer
days and offers a variety of delicious food from several vendors. Some vendors have come from as far away as
Ontario so that says a lot about the popularity of the event.
Yes, I believe it is safe to say that this weekend was a
very successful event and once again, a big shout out to all the volunteers who
work so hard to make something like this happen. These volunteers have no control over the
weather but the appreciation was shown with the great numbers in attendance in
spite of the showers.
For all those car show lovers out there, here is a
posting from 2012.
Here is
another from 2014.